Friday, January 11, 2013

Evan sleeps by himself!

Alright I admit it, I bed share with my 4 month old son Evan. I have heard all about the sids risks, etc rolling on top of him, him rolling off the bed, or getting squished between the bed and the wall, but when the kid WILL NOT sleep for 5 minutes away from you, unless you are right there, you learn to adapt and do whatever it takes to get the kid to sleep... I actually enjoyed laying next to him. He would cuddle right up against my breast and use it as a pillow, and when he would wake up hungry he would just nuzzle up and latch on by himself. I got more sleep he got more sleep, we were both happy with the situation. Then came the problem of "bedtime" I am a night owl. I always have enjoyed staying up late and sleeping in until noon. I may have gotten him "trained" to be on my schedule and that worked great! he stayed up half the night with me, slept in until noon life was good. Now I am starting classes in a few weeks, which can/will be a huge problem for me if I can't get things changed before then. I looked around online and found this amazing hammock. They are wildly popular in Australia but not so much here. I decided it was worth a shot to make up one. It was very easy to make and, oh my, the kid loves it! He fusses for like 2 seconds (if that) and out he goes to dreamland. if he starts to stir it gently rocks him back to sleep. I had him in it all night last night and he only woke up twice. He fell back asleep very quickly with just a few pushes on it!I am very hopeful that within a few weeks I can have him sleep trained to fall asleep and stay asleep on his own and in his own bed. We have had his crib set up and ready to go for him since before he was born and I can count on one hand how many times he has slept in it. We are on the right track now!

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