Sunday, January 27, 2013

first week of school/daycare!

Last week Evan and I started our new "adventures". Me, with going back to college to get a degree in Nursing, and him with daycare. I must admit that it went very well so far! There is one long day, Tuesday. He gets dropped off at 8am every day except friday, and on mon, wed, and thurs i pick him up at noon. On tuesday I pick him up at 3. He has been fighting the bottle like crazy! he doesnt like it one bit. He would just assume wait for "the tap" to become available... Hopefully he changes his mind soon... I am learning a lot again about anatomy, math, and soon dev. psychology. One week down, 11 to go!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

everything is falling into place!

Today we have discovered that things just have a natural way of falling into place when we have faith. I start school next week on Tuesday and today we were able to secure daycare for Evan with a friend from high school! yeah! So I can go to class, Paul can work with an open availability and Evan gets socialized with other babies and its actually affordable! I am sooo grateful for answered prayers! Now onto diapers. I have gotten another one finished today absolutely adorable yellow with a grey bulldog on the bottom, and I am now working on a whiteish one with a sun on the butt. up next after that is a 4th of july one. I can not believe how rewarding and relaxing sewing can be! I am so looking forward to future sewing projects! up on the burner i am keeping my scraps from sewing the diapers and will make a fun quilt out of them.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

carseat hell

Today we went to wally world to try and get a convertible carseat for Evan. I really liked the one we had gotten last week which was the Graco myride 65 but it just wouldnt fit in our car :( we have a compact car the chevy cobalt which makes getting a carseat in it a pain. Evan weighs 16 lbs so we have about 5 lbs to go before we really have to look into getting him into a proper fitting seat. I think that will be at the 6 month mark so we have a little over a month to research this topic. I need one that fits and will keep my guy safe if we were in an accident. I have been recommended the Scearna and then get the Nautilis when the time comes for a bigger seat. I am leaning towards that idea since the person recommending it, I trust her opinion highly. Any additional suggestions on this idea would most definitly be appreciated!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Church and School!

Today we went to our church in Charlotte. It was a nice service, and I enjoy going there due to the small congregation size and the warm welcoming atmosphere here. Sister Karen Miller took Evan during bible study and they both enjoyed it. I could hear him cooing and conversing with the class. It was so cute to see him trying his hardest to participate in church class already at his young age of 4 months. Paul told me after we left today that today was the happiest he had in a while. It was a very happy day. something kept Evan and I from going for a few weeks now, either I was sleep deprived, (when am I not anymore) or he was dealing with a "man cold". I am really going to try and make a better effort to attend church on a more regular basis, because how renewed and refreshed it really does make me feel after going. I realized today that next week Monday starts my journey going back to school. It seems like just yesterday I was signing up for classes, and that was back in October. I am feeling a multitude of emotions regarding this adventure. Excited to get to leave the house for a few hours and be learning something new. Scared that I might fail and disappoint my family. Nervous, of the new surroundings with strange people I don't know. Sad, to leave my baby boy for that small amount of time each day 8am-12noon because I haven't had him more than an arms length away since the day he was born. I know I can conquer those feelings and succeed in school because of what an AMAZING support person I have in my husband, Paul. No matter what I want to do, he is always right there in my corner cheering me on and lets me know on a daily basis how well I am doing. I know I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for him. I want to make diapers, and he encourages me to work on them. I get frustrated when my lil guy cries and I cant soothe him, he reassures me that everything is going to be ok. I am extremely grateful for everything I have in my life and look forward to what our future is going to bring!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Evan sleeps by himself!

Alright I admit it, I bed share with my 4 month old son Evan. I have heard all about the sids risks, etc rolling on top of him, him rolling off the bed, or getting squished between the bed and the wall, but when the kid WILL NOT sleep for 5 minutes away from you, unless you are right there, you learn to adapt and do whatever it takes to get the kid to sleep... I actually enjoyed laying next to him. He would cuddle right up against my breast and use it as a pillow, and when he would wake up hungry he would just nuzzle up and latch on by himself. I got more sleep he got more sleep, we were both happy with the situation. Then came the problem of "bedtime" I am a night owl. I always have enjoyed staying up late and sleeping in until noon. I may have gotten him "trained" to be on my schedule and that worked great! he stayed up half the night with me, slept in until noon life was good. Now I am starting classes in a few weeks, which can/will be a huge problem for me if I can't get things changed before then. I looked around online and found this amazing hammock. They are wildly popular in Australia but not so much here. I decided it was worth a shot to make up one. It was very easy to make and, oh my, the kid loves it! He fusses for like 2 seconds (if that) and out he goes to dreamland. if he starts to stir it gently rocks him back to sleep. I had him in it all night last night and he only woke up twice. He fell back asleep very quickly with just a few pushes on it!I am very hopeful that within a few weeks I can have him sleep trained to fall asleep and stay asleep on his own and in his own bed. We have had his crib set up and ready to go for him since before he was born and I can count on one hand how many times he has slept in it. We are on the right track now!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

adventures in diaper making!

I have started making my own diapers last week. so far I have made 5 really nice ones. I am really excited about Evan sporting his own diapers that I have made just for him. I hope to get "good enough" at some point to be able to perhaps market my diapers and sell them for a profit!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Porkchop visits the doctor!

Today little porkchop had his 4 month visit and got 3 shots. He was not a happy camper with the mama today! But the things we do to keep our little guy happy and healthy! His stats as of today are 15 lbs 12 oz, 24 inches tall! he is growing like a weed, almost doubled his birthweight!