Sunday, January 13, 2013

Church and School!

Today we went to our church in Charlotte. It was a nice service, and I enjoy going there due to the small congregation size and the warm welcoming atmosphere here. Sister Karen Miller took Evan during bible study and they both enjoyed it. I could hear him cooing and conversing with the class. It was so cute to see him trying his hardest to participate in church class already at his young age of 4 months. Paul told me after we left today that today was the happiest he had in a while. It was a very happy day. something kept Evan and I from going for a few weeks now, either I was sleep deprived, (when am I not anymore) or he was dealing with a "man cold". I am really going to try and make a better effort to attend church on a more regular basis, because how renewed and refreshed it really does make me feel after going. I realized today that next week Monday starts my journey going back to school. It seems like just yesterday I was signing up for classes, and that was back in October. I am feeling a multitude of emotions regarding this adventure. Excited to get to leave the house for a few hours and be learning something new. Scared that I might fail and disappoint my family. Nervous, of the new surroundings with strange people I don't know. Sad, to leave my baby boy for that small amount of time each day 8am-12noon because I haven't had him more than an arms length away since the day he was born. I know I can conquer those feelings and succeed in school because of what an AMAZING support person I have in my husband, Paul. No matter what I want to do, he is always right there in my corner cheering me on and lets me know on a daily basis how well I am doing. I know I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for him. I want to make diapers, and he encourages me to work on them. I get frustrated when my lil guy cries and I cant soothe him, he reassures me that everything is going to be ok. I am extremely grateful for everything I have in my life and look forward to what our future is going to bring!

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